Tag: Islam & Animal Rights

All Kinds of Animal Fights Are Strictly Forbidden in Islam

Out of the numerous such injunctions, one would suffice here: God’s Messenger(s) forbade inciting animals to fight each other. (Narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas. Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Abu al-Darda; recorded in Riyad (Ref. No. 28); Hadith No. 1606; p. 271. Also ‘Robson’ (Ref. No. 15), p. 876.) Like camel-humps, fat-tails of sheep and target-animals […]

God’s Love For Animals is No Less Than it Is For Humans

by Syed Rizvi October has special relevance to the subject of Animal Rights because of a number of events and anniversaries that take place this month. On October 4, people around the world celebrate the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, whose love for animals earned him the title, ‘Patron Saint of Animals.’ In the […]