Category: Fish in Pakistan

Trout Fish Rescued in Kunhar River

Devastating disease claims the lives of countless Trout fish in Kaghan Valley. In a remarkable conservation effort, officials from the Kaghan Development Authority (KDA) in Oct 2023 successfully rescued thousands of trout fish that were stranded in the shallow waters of the Kunhar River. According to officials, a significant school of rare trout fish found […]

Pakistan is Only Getting Dead Bryde Whales

In a remote area between Pasni and Shomal coastal belts known as Raini Hor, a bryde’s whale, scientifically identified as Balaenoptera brydei, found itself trapped, raising alarms about the conservation of this species on Nov 10, 2023. In a remote area between Pasni and Shomal coastal belts, specifically in Raini Hor, Balochistan, a bryde’s whale, […]

Where is our Fish Going?

As the wheels of industrialisation and urbanisation turn, the price paid by our environment becomes increasingly evident. One of the most profound effects is the alarming disappearance of natural water bodies and the subsequent threat posed to numerous aquatic species. In particular, the extinction crisis facing indigenous river fish in Pakistan is both disheartening and […]

Illegal Fishing Imperils Aqua Life

(Left) Tarbela Dam presents a mesmerising look on a sunny day; (right) a man shows off his massive fish haul. Fishermen continue to use illegal fishing techniques, including employing dangerous explosives to catch fish in Tarbela Lake, endangering precious aquatic life besides pushing rare fish species to the brink of extinction. This not only raises […]

Blue Whale Sighted at Gadani Beach

Approximately 100-foot-long creature spotted A rare blue whale has been sighted at Gadani beach by the local fishermen in early April 2024. The approximately 100-foot-long whale was seen twice. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, weighing as much as 200 tons, equal to 33 elephants. Its heart is said to be the size […]

Sea Dolphins in Drain near Badin

Dolphins likely accessed the area through the creeks and inadvertently ended up in the drain. At least three sea dolphins have been sighted in the Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD) near Badin in June 2023 which reportedly entered the drain from the creeks after high tides caused by Cyclone Biparjoy. According to Wajid Shaikh, a […]

When Will Clifton Fish Aquarium be Rebuilt?

The Clifton Fish Aquarium had been a popular recreational site among families, who frequented the facility in droves each year to observe a wide variety of sea creatures. It provided a source of entertainment to the citizenry, and generated much needed revenue for the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) through ticket sales. However, in 1998, the […]

Protecting Sea Turtles

Every year, local beaches of Karachi and Balochistan are visited by thousands of female sea turtles who nest and lay eggs. Protecting these nesting grounds are essential to maintain and increase the dwindling population of an already endangered species. A 2012 study conducted by WWF-Pakistan revealed that around 30,000 sea turtles were annually caught in […]

Dolphins Imported for Shows Die in Lahore

Four dolphins and two catfish were imported from Russia and Ukraine in 2019, through a Karachi based company, to offer public entertainment in Lahore. The mammals were to be trained to jump, sing, paint and perform a host of tricks for a local audience, but the management could not run the show owing to the […]

Punjab’s Freshwater Fish at the Brink of Extinction

Some species of fish in the Punjab are nearing extinction due to water scarcity. A total of 118 species of fish are found in the rivers, lakes, headworks. and water bodies of the Punjab and as per sources 7 species, including the Mahashir, of fish are in danger of extinction in Punjab. Along with scarcity, […]