Tag: Islam & Animal Rights

The Karachi Zoo Keepers

Kannu Piraditta lovingly scratches the back of Raja – the lion – through the metal bars of his cage at the Karachi Zoo. The king of the jungle playfully rubs his back against the bars, before bowing his head to let Piraditta scratch behind the ears. “I look after the most ferocious animals at zoo,” […]

Bannu: PTI Supporters Kill Dog for Fun

The two crooks involved in the brutal killing of a dog were detained by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police on July 28, 2018. It is unclear as to what has happened to them since then. The KP Police took to Twitter to announce that it took them 12 hours to track down the culprits involved in the […]

Animal Testing Should be Banned in Pakistan

The brutal act of animal testing is now increasingly being replaced with quicker, cheaper and more reliable testing methods that do not involve animals. These modern methods are more relevant to humans and have been found to predict human reactions better than the traditional out-dated animal tests. Studies demonstrate that animal tests predict human reactions […]

Rabies-Free Karachi Pilot Project

One of the more distressing practices that has become the norm in Pakistan is to carry out culls of packs of stray dogs that roam many of our towns and cities. Their population in urban areas tends only to grow, especially in places where ample food is available in open garbage dumps. This means that […]

What It Means to Be Loved by a Dog

By Margaret Renki There’s a story my husband has been telling for nearly 15 years, since not long after US forces invaded Iraq. In a news report, American soldiers were going door to door with bomb-sniffing dogs, trying to persuade the citizens of Baghdad to adopt a well-trained pet. Many Iraqis regard dogs as unclean, […]

Islam & Animal Rights

Dr. Kristen Stilt is an Islamic scholar inEgyptand has written a book about Islam and animals, endorsed by Dr. Professor ‘Abd Allah Mabrook Al-Najjar, Professor of Shari’a and Law Member of the Council of Islamic Research at the Al Azhar Univ ersity. He says Dr. Stilt’s book is “excellent in its scientific content, accurate from […]

Animals Are a Part of Community Like Us: Holy Quran

Many Muslims appear to have a callous attitude where dealing with animals is concerned giving the impression that maybe their religion has no consideration for animals. However, when we examine the Quran and hadith, we are pleasantly surprised to find that the opposite is true. Islam indeed places much importance on animals and on providing […]