
Diclofenac Killing Vultures

For the small number of vulture lovers the world over, good news comes from Sindh. In June 2009, a new “vulture restaurant” opened to provide safe food for the endangered birds — no reservations needed, but it’s always a fierce fight for the flesh. Similar vulture ventures have already been successful inSouth Africa,IndiaandNepal, where one […]

Exports of Indigenous Parrots Banned Since 2008

No government survey exists on the population status of indigenous parrot species, whose exports have been banned since 2008. The measure to impose a ban without undertaking a research points to serious inadequacies in government-run wildlife institutions and, at the same time, reflects a lack of realisation on the part of environment ministry officials of […]

In a Few Years, Pakistan Will Have No Turtles

World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan’s Dr Masood Arshad says that trade of hard shell turtles is also on the rise. “Only five per cent of their total population remains in Pakistan,” he said. In Sindh, the illegal trade of turtles is common. The business of turtle smuggling started 15 years ago and it has driven eight […]

Juvenile Crocodile Saved in Sanghar, Sindh

The adventures of a juvenile crocodile were cut short when villagers found it in an agricultural field in Sanghar, Sindh, in December 2012 some distance away from its habitat. They caught and released it into a lake in Makhi forest nearby. The residents who spotted the crocodile said, a couple of dogs were barking ferociously […]

Things Your Pets Should Not Eat

You may share your backyard and even your bed, but it’s probably best to avoid sharing a meal with dogs, or any other pet for that matter. Listed here, from most (1) to least (4) dangerous, are common foods and drinks that make pets sick. If you think your dog, cat, or bird has consumed one of […]

Ticks & Your Dog

Doing a daily tick check on you and your dog is important if you spend time outside with your dog in areas where ticks like to hang out. If you find a tick on your dog, don’t panic! Follow these quick and easy steps to safely remove the tick. Step 1: Get Your Gear Have […]

Tips on Cleaning the Cages

Cleaning cages is not a fun chore for any pet, but making cleaning as easy as possible and sticking to a schedule will make cage cleaning less of a chore and simply part of your routine. There are no set rules for how often to clean, but doing a bit of cleaning every day will […]

Euthanasia: Deciding When a Pet Has Suffered Enough

By Jessica Pierce NYT/ September 22, 2012 Is it ethical to spend $25,000 at the vet? Is it O.K. to have a pet if you can’t afford such treatments? ODY died peacefully last year, Nov. 29. He was 14 and a half. Truth be told, Ody didn’t just die. I killed him. I paid a […]

Chocolate Toxicity

The toxic principles of chocolate are the stimulants theobromine and caffeine. The amount of chocolate that it takes to poison your pet depends on the type of chocolate he’s eaten and his weight. White chocolate has the least amount of stimulants and baking chocolate or cocoa beans have the highest. Once toxic levels are reached, […]