Tag: in Pakistan

Improving Animal Conditions Can Alleviate Poverty

Invisible Helpers in Pakistan by D. Valette, Invisible Helpers: Women’s views on the contributions of working donkeys, horses and mules to their lives, The Brooke, 2014. Poverty is widespread in Pakistan and is particularly predominant in rural areas. As many as 58.7 million people in Pakistan are living in poverty. Nearly two thirds of the population […]

Tigers’ Inbreeding Taking Its Toll in Pakistani Zoos

The chronic issue of inbreeding the Punjab Wildlife is confronted with for several years took the life of a four-and-a-half-month white tiger cub (Zona) at the Lahore zoo. In the past too, the inbreeding resulted in the deaths of several tigers at the zoo and other wildlife parks. On the direction of the Punjab Wildlife […]

11 Pythons Die in DUHS Lab Within a Year

by Faiza Ilyas Out of the 19 pythons handed over to the animal laboratory of the Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) almost a year ago by the zoo, only eight have survived at the facility. What had directly or indirectly affected the reptiles’ well-being, they said, was lack of interest on the part of […]

Regularly Visit & Monitor the Zoos

We all should visit the zoos, and highlight the plight of animals there in order to get the living conditions of these animals improved. As a long term measure, awareness about animal rights can be raised in the general public; and children must be educated about these rights by including the subject in the syllabus […]

No Funds for the Islamabad Zoo

Islamabad’s Development Authority has placed the much awaited remodelling of the Zoo on the back burner after spending over Rs30 million on it. Paucity of funds is again said to be the main reason behind the delay in the project, which was launched in 2008. Intentions of the CDA bosses can be judged from their […]

Animals Continue to Suffer at the Landhi Korangi Zoo

A number of poor animals are suffering and living in miserable conditions at the Landhi -Korangi Zoo which experts believe needs to be closed down forthwith as a facility to house animals because the government has failed to bring about any improvement in the affairs of the zoo which has been functioning in the city […]

Diclofenac Killing Vultures

For the small number of vulture lovers the world over, good news comes from Sindh. In June 2009, a new “vulture restaurant” opened to provide safe food for the endangered birds — no reservations needed, but it’s always a fierce fight for the flesh. Similar vulture ventures have already been successful inSouth Africa,IndiaandNepal, where one […]

Exports of Indigenous Parrots Banned Since 2008

No government survey exists on the population status of indigenous parrot species, whose exports have been banned since 2008. The measure to impose a ban without undertaking a research points to serious inadequacies in government-run wildlife institutions and, at the same time, reflects a lack of realisation on the part of environment ministry officials of […]

In a Few Years, Pakistan Will Have No Turtles

World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan’s Dr Masood Arshad says that trade of hard shell turtles is also on the rise. “Only five per cent of their total population remains in Pakistan,” he said. In Sindh, the illegal trade of turtles is common. The business of turtle smuggling started 15 years ago and it has driven eight […]