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Ages of Dogs

All dogs go to heaven. But a bulldog might find itself headed there years before a Border terrier, according to a new study of nearly 600,000 British dogs from more than 150 breeds. Large breeds and breeds with flattened faces… Read More »Ages of Dogs

Any Dog Can Bite

By Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist who studies dogs. Any dog can bite. It is the special misfortune of dogs living in the most famous house in the United States to have their bites widely publicized, amplified and scrutinized. And so… Read More »Any Dog Can Bite

Old Dogs

  • Pets

Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging The ways that dogs grow and age may provide potentially useful similarities with people. By James Gorman/ NYT/ Nov. 9, 2020 Dogs go through stages in their life, just as people do, as… Read More »Old Dogs