Tag: Dogs

Dogs Get Teary-Eyed When Reunited with Owner

Dogs shed tears on being reunited with their owner after five to seven hours, a study has found. Researchers will now look into whether dogs also produce tears when reunited with other canine pals. By Deutsche Welle Every dog owner can vouch for how elated their pets are when reunited with them. A new study now […]

Old Dogs

Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging The ways that dogs grow and age may provide potentially useful similarities with people. By James Gorman/ NYT/ Nov. 9, 2020 Dogs go through stages in their life, just as people do, as is obvious to anyone who has watched their stiff-legged, white-muzzled companion rouse themselves to go […]

Dogs Are Not Here for Our Convenience

Spaying and neutering puppies shouldn’t be standard policy — and it isn’t automatically the “responsible” choice either. By Alexandra Horowitz/ Dr. Horowitz is a cognitive scientist who studies dogs. Sept. 3, 2019 I’ve never lived with a dog with testes or ovaries. My pups all came from shelters, whose policies have often been to desex a […]

What It Means to Be Loved by a Dog

By Margaret Renki There’s a story my husband has been telling for nearly 15 years, since not long after US forces invaded Iraq. In a news report, American soldiers were going door to door with bomb-sniffing dogs, trying to persuade the citizens of Baghdad to adopt a well-trained pet. Many Iraqis regard dogs as unclean, […]

The Evolution of Dog

Before humans milked cows, herded goats or raised hogs, before they invented agriculture, or written language, before they had permanent homes, and most certainly before they had cats, they had dogs. Or dogs had them, depending on how you view the human-canine arrangement. But scientists are still debating exactly when and where the ancient bond […]

Rescuing a Dog Left in Hot Parked Car

On May 9, 2015, the army vet, Michael Hammons, who served in Desert Storm, heard a dog in distress inside a hot parked car, with no water. Instinctively, he jumped into action. Grabbing the foot rest of his wife’s wheelchair, he smashed open the window of the car, parked in an Athens, Georgia, shopping center, to free the […]

Rescuing a Stray Dog

When Ed Kostro and his rescue teammate Katie first heard reports of a Border Collie at a 24-hour hot dog stand, they hoped for a fairly rapid rescue. But what happens when the dog you’re saving seems to dematerialize every time you draw near? It all began when the thin dog timidly approached a hot dog […]