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Home » Change.Org Petition to Stop CDA from trying to re-establish a zoo in Islamabad

Change.Org Petition to Stop CDA from trying to re-establish a zoo in Islamabad

February 3, 2024

Started by Ayesha Khan

We, the undersigned, express our deep concern and objection to the plans of the CDA to “reclaim” administrative control of and “restore” the Islamabad zoo in violation of the Islamabad High Court decisions to hand over management of the zoo to the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) and have the surviving animals shifted to sanctuaries.

IWMB has set up an animal rescue center on these premises, and has successfully rehabilitated more than 381 animals, including mammals, birds, and reptiles. The rescue center is adjacent to the Margallah Hills National Park, which is home to a number of endangered species, such as the Indian Pangolin and Common Leopard. It deals only with wild animals that have been treated in a non-humane way, orphaned and injured, in order to implement the IHC order in judgment W.P. 1155/2019 which specifically states that “No animal is treated in manner that subjects it to unnecessary pain and suffering”.

IWMB has a vision for the Margallah Rescue Center that includes close partnership with the management of the Margallah Hills National Park and Second Chance Wildlife in order to provide a space to rehabilitate rescued animals, as well as create appreciation for and promote awareness of indigenous wildlife amongst the citizens of Islamabad.

Act now to stop the CDA from seeking the approval of the federal government.

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